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5 Websites for Color Palette Inspirations

Creating fresh content is important for any business looking to drive traffic to their website, but first you have to make sure to capture the attention of the people looking at your content. A first impression comes from a website’s design and aesthetic, which is why color palettes and themes are important.

Good color choices take careful planning as they can influence how a visitor interprets what they see on a website. We’ll share with you 5 websites that offer and generate beautiful color schemes and color palette inspirations.


HTML Color Codes

HTML Color Codes was built as a tool for designers by designers. You can find HTML color codes, Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values, color charts, HTML color names and more on this website. They also offer palettes for tones, neutral colors, complimentary colors, and others when using their color wheel to find color inspiration.


Color Hunt

Color Hunt is a curated collection of beautiful color palettes hand-picked by the curators of Color Hunt. They also offer featured palettes from user submissions, with suggested palettes being changed daily on the front page.



Coolors is a generator that helps create or inspire the right color palette just for you with a click of a button. They also offer trending palettes to help you create something beautiful!


Color Palettes

Color Palettes is a generator and resource aimed at inspiring color. Each palette is individually and manually created by designer, colorist, and photographer Alex Romanuke, often inspired by various photographs which is why the collection of color palettes on this site is limited.


Design Seeds

Design Seeds started off as a color blog but has flourished into an international creative community that celebrates colors found in nature. You are able to find palettes by color values or themes like seasons, culinary colors, and much more.

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